We are HawkClan - The most agile clan, that can catch any kind of prey and outsmart any predator. Our camp is located in a chilly mountain valley, and only FalconClan knows about our whereabouts. Our leader is Moonstar.

Current Season: New-Leaf

Freshkill pile: 1 vole, 9 mice, 6 sparrows, 3 thrushes, 2servings of blechmilk, 1 squirrel

Adopt-a-Cat now!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's Happening to Us?

HawkClan has never had an epidemic before. Let's try it out!


Ripplestep woke up to the sound of coughing. She quickly rushed outside of her den, though it was just past midnight, and she was very tired from gathering herbs during the day. Her eyes widened as she saw Bluemoon almost dragging himself out of the warrior's den, his body shaking with coughs. The gray medicine cat quickly rushed over to him, eyes filled with worry.
"Are you alright?" she asked, checking his sickened state.
"I-I'm fine," the deputy replied between coughs in a raspy voice.
"You're not OK!" Ripplestep exclaimed, guiding him to the medicine cat's den. "Quick, come to my den so that I can give you some herbs, hopefully you'll be OK before morning..."
But as dawn approached, the sounds of the blue cat's coughing only became louder, and Ripplestep prayed to StarClan silently in her nest. "Please don't let the rest of the clan get it...."

Yes, it was each clan's worst nightmare: white cough.


Of course, the spread of white cough was inevitable. The next morning, Ripplestep walked out of the medicine cat's den with Plumpaw, only to hear the sound of more coughing. "Plumpaw," she said, speaking to her apprentice. "Go round up the coughing cats. All we can do now is to give them herbs, and beg StarClan for their recovery. Now go, while I prepare the herbs!"


OK, how was that? And...this is a weird request, but if you want your cat to get sick (...) then you can comment below. (Also state if you want them to die or live.) I think that's it, and comment away!

Friday, August 19, 2011


(Sorry for the late post [the gathering was up about two days ago], but I've had no motivation to write whatsoever, and I feel all blah. Anyways, here's my half-hearted post on the gathering for August, and I'll be sure to have all of my soul poured into the next one)

So, basically, this is how the gathering will work (again). All of the active people may go.


And.....hope to see you in the next, better and full of text and action-type stuff post!


*Sulks in a corner* I suck.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Sun is Shining...

(Just because we haven't commented for real in a long time and I want the new post places to get some comments up. Comment away, my friends!)

Moonstar looked down at her clan from the Great Boulder, and with a sudden leap, jumped down to the ground to join them. "Cats of HawkClan!" she called. "I will now announce the patrols for this afternoon." Glancing around to make sure the majority of the clan was listening and present, she continued. "Bluemoon will lead one patrol around the forest, and Chillingheart will lead another in the direction of the Stone Yard. As for hunting, Starshine will lead one patrol and Snowheart will lead another. Is that clear?"

All of the cats nodded, and then dashed off to see who's patrol they would get sorted into. Moonstar padded away to Bluemoon. "Be safe," she whispered into his ear before padding off to the forest on an unknown expedition.


OK, that was really short, and was really more of a warm-up post to let people comment again. Patrol leaders, please pick who will be on patrols in the comments. And....

Poppy - I have no message for you, but lead your patrol well :D

Alado - Do you want the kits you play to be apprentices yet?  Because I want you to feel like you're actually doing something on this clan, unless you still want them to remain kits for now.

Stormyskies - I hope you comment.

BLUE - I'll make you comment.

Everone else - Comment to your hearts' desires!