We are HawkClan - The most agile clan, that can catch any kind of prey and outsmart any predator. Our camp is located in a chilly mountain valley, and only FalconClan knows about our whereabouts. Our leader is Moonstar.

Current Season: New-Leaf

Freshkill pile: 1 vole, 9 mice, 6 sparrows, 3 thrushes, 2servings of blechmilk, 1 squirrel

Adopt-a-Cat now!


Friday, December 31, 2010


Cats of HawkClan! Our allie, PetalClan, is in need of more cats. Please join them and let the blogging begin!!



Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Prophecies - Again

OK, since the prophecy post is getting old, here are the prophecies again:

Here are some ideas for our prophecy - you'll find a poll about it in the sidebar.

Prophecy 1: Another cat like Darksplash rises in our clan and tries to destroy it. Four cats will be called by StarClan to save us.

Prophecy 2: Twolegs are invading our forest - it's up to the four StarClan-called cats to save our clan!

Prophecy 3: Our leader has fallen ill with a mysterious sickness and it's up to the five destined cats to travel to the far away forest and find the herb that will cure her once and for all.

Another Journey....

Days passed after Bluemoon had rescued Firkit from the forest, and Firkit looked much healthier after tasting the scrumptious prey that HawkClan had in store. Bluemoon had made it a routine to check on Firkit everyday, and today he found him jumping around the Nursery, pretending a ball of moss was a mouse.
“Shhh…. Firkit, be quiet or you’ll wake Brightlegs!” Bluemoon whispered.
A loud snore came from Brightlegs.
Bluemoon stared. “Well, I guess not, but I’m not taking any risks. Come outside to play, but don’t stray to far from the Nursery, OK?”
Bluemoon padded out of the den after Firkit, who was still pouncing on the battered piece of moss. Then something caught his eye.

Bluemoon padded to the camp walls and peered through the leaves. He thought he had seen a pair of turqoise eyes staring at Firkit. He waited. Then the eyes appeared and quickly disappeared, followed by a rustle of leaves. Bluemoon charged forward, into the forest.
The bronze colored she-cat stood against the base of a giant oak tree.
“What are you doing with my brother!?” She hissed.
Bluemoon was confused. “He’s your brother?”
“Yes. What are you doing with him? We had a great life living as loners out in the woods.”
“Well he’s safe in our clan now.”
The she-cat paused and thought.
“Bring me to this ‘clan’ of yours.”
“Follow me.”
Bluemoon lead the way, once in a while looking behind his back to check that she was still there. Then they reached the camp entrance.
“This is camp. We have a leader, and we have warriors that hunt for the cats of the clan and fight for the protection of our territory. You brother, here, is a kit, and when he’s 6 moons old he will become an apprentice and learn to be a warrior. It is a very safe community. Maybe you could join us!”he she-cat looked deep in thought. Then she looked up.
“I could, if it would mean that me and my brother are safe.”
“I’m sure he will be. By the way, what’s your name?”

And that is how Aspentail came to us.



Currently, only Stormpaw has a mentor, Bluemoon. WE NEED MORE. The following apprentices have no mentors:

  • Silverpaw
  • Spiritpaw
  • Kestrelpaw

New Alliance - IvyClan!

We are now allied with IvyClan!!!!!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Territory!

OK, since Blogger only allows 10 pages a blog, I have created a new blog for our territory. Here it is:
Please follow and check it at least once a week!

Oh! And I'll also repost the prophecies here so that everyone can see them without having to look at older posts:

Here are some ideas for our prophecy - you'll find a poll about it in the sidebar.

Prophecy 1: Another cat like Darksplash rises in our clan and tries to destroy it. Four cats will be called by StarClan to save us.

Prophecy 2: Twolegs are invading our forest - it's up to the four StarClan-called cats to save our clan!

Prophecy 3: Our leader has fallen ill with a mysterious sickness and it's up to the five destined cats to travel to the far away forest and find the herb that will cure her once and for all.


A Journey Through the Forest...

Bluemoon's ears caught a faint, tiny mew coming from beyond where they found this new plant, blech. He started to pad towards the noise, when Darkflame called out,"Bluemoon, it's time to head back to camp!"
"I'll come back later," Bluemoon mused, "There's something I want to check out."

The chilly leaf-bare breeze ruffled his fur. He continued on towards the noise, the weak whimpers growing  by each step. Soon, the source of the noise came into his vision. He shook his head. Was he dreaming?
what was a kit doing out here in the forest? Bluemoon lowered his head to the kit. The kit stared up at him with his pale green eyes. "It's okay, I'll keep you safe." Bluemoon vowed to the kit, and himself. Bluemoon whispered to the young cat: "What is your name?" The kit replied, "Fir."
he lifted the frail, abandoned kit towards camp. And Fir came to us.

A New Plant???

The dawn patrol padded through the forest.
"What's this?" Bluemoon sniffed at an unknown plant.
"It appears to be an unknown plant," Darkflame replied.
"Let's take it back to the camp!" Moonstar exclaimed

~At the camp~
*Waterstorm places plant in front of Loststep*
"It's a plant we found in the forest. We are all wondering what it is," Vivid explained.
*Loststep sniffs the plant* "This plant is very interesting! Hm....I'll have to examine it more closely. For now....we will call it Blech!"

~And that is how we found Blech

Fox Attack!

Since Loststep is now our medicine cat, we will be launching an attack on the foxes in our camp. Darkflame, Bluemoon, Vivid, Tigerwhisker and Waterstorm, please come on the patrol. That is all.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Alert for Silverpaw!!!

Silverpaw, your picture is unable to be uploaded onto Blogger. Could you find another one?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Warriors and Apprentices!

"All cats old enough to gather their own prey, please gather at the Great Boulder. Today we welcome new cats into our clan - Tigerwhisker, Loststep, Waterstorm, Silverpaw and Stormpaw!!"

"Do you all pledge all your souls, spirits and loyalty to your clan, and promise to defend it with your lives?" Moonstar's gaze was as clear as the night sky.

"Yes," replied the yound cats, eyes sparkling.

"StarClan, I call on you to welcome these cats into our clan, watch over them, and protect them." Moonstar looked down at the young cats. "StarClan speaks of your approvals. From now on, you are proud members of HawkClan. May StarClan light your paths." And she turned and padded back away into her den, leaving the new warriors to sit in vigil underneath the Great Boulder, and the apprentices to explore the dens.

Medicine Cat - Loststep!!!!!

Loststep is willing to be our medicine cat, and will come with Moonstar on her journey to meet StarClan. May StarClan accept him!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Moonstar - Temporary Leave

Moonstar will be taking a temporary leave for about two weeks to travel to the cave to speak with Starclan. Darkflame is now temporarily in hare if the clan.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Welcoming - Vivid!

"All cats old enough to gather their own prey, please gather at the Great Boulder. Today we welcome a new cat into our clan - Vivid!!"

"Vivid, do you pledge all your soul, spirit and loyalty to your clan, and promise to defend it with your life?" Moonstar's gaze was as clear as the shining lake.

"Yes," replied the young cat Vivid, eyes sparkling with knowledge.

"StarClan, I call on you to welcome this cat into our clan, watch over her, and protect her." Moonstar looked down at the young warrior. "StarClan speaks of your approval. From now on, you are a proud member of HawkClan. May StarClan light your path." And she turned and padded back away into her den, leaving the new warrior to sit in vigil underneath the Great Boulder.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Welcoming Brightlegs!

"All cats old enough to gather their own prey, please gather at the Great Boulder. Today we welcome a new cat into our clan - Brightlegs!!"

"Brightlegs, do you pledge all your soul, spirit and loyalty to your clan, and promise to defend it with your life?" Moonstar's gaze was as clear as the night sky.

"Yes," replied the young cat Brightlegs, eyes sparkling with knowledge and determination.

"StarClan, I call on you to welcome this cat into our clan, watch over her, and protect her." Moonstar looked down at the young warrior/queen. "StarClan speaks of your approval. From now on, you are a proud member of HawkClan. May StarClan light your path." And she turned and padded back away into her den, leaving the new warrior to sit in vigil underneath the Great Boulder.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Fox in the Camp!!!!!

A fox has wondered into our camp and settled in the still-empty medicine cat den. What can we do to stop it? We will fight, but only after a medicine cat is appointed. Moonstar still has scars from the last battle. Will this be the end of the clan?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Members Needed

We need new members in HawkClan. If any of you know someone that might be willing to join, please ask them. We currently are in need of more warriors and a medicine cat. Also, this is for the prophecy's sake as well. So far we are agreeing on the 3rd prophecy, which will require 5 cats.

New Alliance - FalconClan!!!

HawkClan is now one with FalconClan. :D We swear that if FalconClan is in trouble, we will help, and vise versa.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Welcoming Darkflame and Stormsky!!!!!

"All cats old enough to gather their own prey, please gather at the Great Boulder. Today we welcome new cats into our clan - Darkflame and Stormsky!"

"Darkflame, do you pledge all your soul, spirit and loyalty to your clan, and promise to defend it with your life?" Moonstar's gaze was as clear as the night sky.

"Yes," replied the young cat Darkflame, eyes sparkling with power and starlight.

"Stormsky, do you pledge all your soul, spirit and loyalty to your clan, and promise to defend it with your life?" Moonstar's gaze was as clear as the night sky.

"Yes," replied the young cat Stormsky, eyes sparkling with hope and determination.

"StarClan, I call on you to welcome these cats into our clan, watch over him, and protect them." Moonstar looked down at the young warriors. "StarClan speaks of your approval. From now on, you are proud members of HawkClan. May StarClan light your paths." And she turned and padded back away into her den, leaving the new warrior to sit in vigil underneath the Great Boulder.

Welcoming - Bluemoon!

"All cats old enough to gather their own prey, please gather at the Great Boulder. Today we welcome a new cat into our clan - Bluemoon!"

"Bluemoon, do you pledge all your soul, spirit and loyalty to your clan, and promise to defend it with your life?" Moonstar's gaze was as clear as the night sky.

"Yes," replied the young cat Bluemoon, eyes sparkling with determination and will.

"StarClan, I call on you to welcome this cat into our clan, watch over him, and protect him." Moonstar looked down at the young warrior. "StarClan speaks of your approval. From now on, you are a proud member of HawkClan. May StarClan light your path." And she turned and padded back away into her den, leaving the new warrior to sit in vigil underneath the Great Boulder.

Prophecy Ideas

Here are some ideas for our prophecy - you'll find a poll about it in the sidebar.

Prophecy 1: Another cat like Darksplash rises in our clan and tries to destroy it. Four cats will be called by StarClan to save us.

Prophecy 2: Twolegs are invading our forest - it's up to the four StarClan-called cats to save our clan!

Prophecy 3: Our leader has fallen ill with a mysterious sickness and it's up to the five destined cats to travel to the far away forest and find the herb that will cure her once and for all.

More Members Needed!

HawkClan is in desperate need of new members. We currently need a deputy and medicine cat as our top priorities.

HawkClan - Unite!

All cats big enough to catch their own kill now gather under the Great Boulder! The reason you are here is because you have sworn your loyalty to your clan - HawkClan - and have pledged all of your soul and spirit to it. You will fight for your clan to the very end, dying an honorable death, and going to StarClan like our ancestors. Cats of HawkClan, unite!