We are HawkClan - The most agile clan, that can catch any kind of prey and outsmart any predator. Our camp is located in a chilly mountain valley, and only FalconClan knows about our whereabouts. Our leader is Moonstar.

Current Season: New-Leaf

Freshkill pile: 1 vole, 9 mice, 6 sparrows, 3 thrushes, 2servings of blechmilk, 1 squirrel

Adopt-a-Cat now!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So I'm deciding to make the gatherings more role-playing like, so I'm writing them different than before. Hope you like it!


Moonstar gazed at her sick clan, eyes full of worry. Though she didn't really want to leave her clan, even if it was for a short time. Leaping onto the Great Boulder, she raised her head and spoke.
"Cats of HawkClan! I am aware that we are not in our healthiest state, but tonight is the gathering, and some of us have to go, to show the other clans that despite the sickness, we are still as strong as ever."
The leader of HawkClan's eyes swept across the camp, in search of cats that weren't sick
"Aspentail, Rockmelt, Goldenpaw, Snowheart, Firleaf, Lionfang, Willowpaw, Russetpaw and Bluepaw, I want all of you to come to the gathering tonight. That is all."

Quickly noticing Lionfang's worried eyes, Moonstar leapt off the giant rock and padded so that she stood next to the tom. "I know you probably don't want to leave Thunderscar," she said. "But there aren't that many healthy warriors right now, and I want you to get the experience of meeting other cats from other clans. Do you understand?"
Slowly, the new warrior nodded, eyes casting another glance at the entrance to the nursery. "I will go see her before I leave," he said, starting to stalk away, dipping his head in respect at the leader.


A few moments later, Lionfang came out, and Moonstar looked at the cats gathered at the exit of the camp. "HawkClan, let's leave!" Moonstar called, gazing at the clan and dashing out of the camp.



Yup! Don't comment below to go to the gathering; go to the link above! And as usual, comment below if you have any complaints/suggestions/questions!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Kits, a Queen and a Warrior

Petalstar, I need the pictures for your kits so I can add them to the join page. :D


As Ripplestep, Aspentail, Blackash and Rockmelt padded through the forest in search of catmint and other herbs that would help fight the white cough that was sweeping through the camp, their ears twitched  as faint yowls echoed in the forest.
"Did you hear that?" Aspentail asked the rest of the group, turning around to see which direction the sound was coming from.
Ripplestep nodded. "I think there are rouges on our territory. We should help them, I don't like the sound of those yowls..."
"I think the sounds are coming from over there," Blackash said, his tal pointing in the direction of where the clearing in the forest was.
"I think so too," Rockmelt concurred, looking at the mass of trees that lead to the clearing. "Should we go check it out?"
"I think we should," the gray medicine cat replied. "Even if they're loners, we should help any cat that's in trouble. Isn't that on the warrior code?"
"Yeah, let's go," Aspentail said, already padding forward towards the clearing.


When the four cats reached the clearing, they saw a fully-grown tom, a queen and two kits.
"Are any of you hurt?" Ripplestep said, stepping forward to give each cat a sniff.
"No," replied the tom, eying the medicine cat. "But my mate is about to kit. We found these two on our way here."
Aspentail looked at the group of cats. "Well, we'll take you all to our camp," she said. "A sickness has been spreading, but we're collecting herbs to heal the sick cats right now. It's safe there, and if you want to, you can join our clan. You don't have to, you can just stay until your kits are big enough. But we'll take in these two," she said, looking sideways at the two kits.
The queen shook her head. "I don't think I can take being a rouge anymore. If it's OK with my mate, I'd like to join your 'clan'."
Blackash smiled. "That's great!"
The tom thought for a moment. "I'd do anything for my mate," he said. "We'll join you're clan."