We are HawkClan - The most agile clan, that can catch any kind of prey and outsmart any predator. Our camp is located in a chilly mountain valley, and only FalconClan knows about our whereabouts. Our leader is Moonstar.

Current Season: New-Leaf

Freshkill pile: 1 vole, 9 mice, 6 sparrows, 3 thrushes, 2servings of blechmilk, 1 squirrel

Adopt-a-Cat now!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Warrior Gathering Tonight!

Tonight is the full moon, and therefore there is a warrior gathering. Please go! All active cats may go, so I hope you know who you are. I'm not going to list the cats, just the people who have been active lately (NOTE: THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO COMMENTED ON THE LAST FOUR POSTS):


Yup! That's about it...here's the link to the gathering, please comment!


So yeah. HawkClan will be going under renovation, please see the previous previous post. I will have a gadget at the top of the posts showing the newest RP post and the newest notification post, OK? :D

PS: Do you like the new favicon? :D It's the icon that shows at the top of the tab or window.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Queen & Kits

The cats of HawkClan raised their heads as they spotted Chillingheart walking in from a hunting patrol, a she cat and two kits bounding at his heels. Bluemoon padded over to the head warrior. "Who are these cats? Did you come across them in the forest?"

The dark tom nodded. "They were living inside a hollow tree," he explained. "Better here than there, you know?" Chillingheart proceeded to take the cats to Moonstar's den, where he explained to the leader of HawkClan about the cats.


"Cats of HawkClan!" Moonstar's voice could be heard all around the camp. "Today we have three new cats joining us!" As the clan's cheers died down, she continued. "Ice, Badger and Ginger, please step up to the Great Boulder." The three cats slowly stalked up, eyes full of determination and seriousness, except for Ginger's who were playful and sparkling as ever. "Ice, do you promise to become a loyal warrior and queen of HawkClan, and serve it at any cost?"

"Yes," the she-cat replied, looking up at the noble leader.

"Then by the powers of DreamClan, I give you your warrior name. You will be known as Icepool from now on."

"Ginger and Badger, do you swear to become part of HawkClan and defend it as much as you can when you become proud warriors of it?"

"Yes," the two kits said, eyes sparkling, filled with determination.

"From now on until you receive your apprentice names, you will be known as Badgerkit and Gingerkit. May DreamClan light your paths forever."

"Icepool! Badgerkit! Gingerkit! Icepool! Badgerkit! Gingerkit!" The clan's yowls drowned out the sound of the winde blowing through the mountains, and were carried up to the ranks of DreamClan....


How'd you like this post?? As usual, please comment below if you want your cat mentioned more. HawkClan is going under a renovation/major change soon, so many place posts will be made and it won't be up for roleplaying that much. Please make sure to read the previous post for more info!

Friday, June 10, 2011


OK, so I'm ending the survey, and got the following feedback:
  • Make HawkClan territory on this blog, not a separate blog
  • Put the cats in the sidebar
I'm up for putting the territory here, but what do you think about the cats in the sidebar thing? Comment below, I'd love to hear what you have to say :D

Since I won't be here for most of the summer, someone else (who wants to remain anonymus) will post on this blog, but won't play my characters, so it's best if you don't interact with them too much. This person will begin working soon, and will help us to improve this clan. Because of making the territory, HawkClan will be on hold for a while (OMG IT STARTED RAINING) as we make the new posts with the places. Please, role-play on the already made places here (like the training hollow and stuff) and not on HawkClan Territory anymore. That's about it!

Last question: What should be done with the 'HawkClan Territory' blog?

Comment below with you opinions!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Apology, and a Survey Type Thing?

I'm sorry for the lack of posts, I'll post real soon, but I really need ideas for posts. Please comment below if you have any suggestions! I also have made another survey thing, I hope you can take the time to fill it in. Thanks, and I'll post very soon!

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Note: I just deleted all of the inactive cats, and Alado, how old are Mintykit and Whitekit? They can be made apprentices soon :D