We are HawkClan - The most agile clan, that can catch any kind of prey and outsmart any predator. Our camp is located in a chilly mountain valley, and only FalconClan knows about our whereabouts. Our leader is Moonstar.

Current Season: New-Leaf

Freshkill pile: 1 vole, 9 mice, 6 sparrows, 3 thrushes, 2servings of blechmilk, 1 squirrel

Adopt-a-Cat now!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Tree Place

This is where all of the trees in the Forest of Mystery stand. Some are tall, some short, and some just average height. Their green leaves fold in towards the sky, only the occasional shaft of sunlight piercing through them. Around, birds chirp and small mammals go about with their business. They'd better watch out for the hunting patrols!


  1. Lionfang stalked htorugh the undergrowth, his paws making no sound at all. There! A small mouse was nibbling at a nut. Lionfang shot across the ground, and killed the mouse with a single bite to the neck. He buried th eprey for later, then continued hunting.

  2. Lionfang returned to camp, carrying his mouse.

  3. Starkit arrived, panting for breath. Redkit followed shortly after. Both kits were tired, bu thtye looked around in wonder, not aring that they were definitely NOT supposed to be in the forest.

  4. Sunkit raced after the two younger kits, panting. "What are you two doing?!" he exclaimed, catching up.

  5. "Exploring," Redkit replied.
    Starkit didn't notice, as she was busy looking around, smelling all the new smells. There was an odd tangy scent. She looked around, and thought she saw a flash of red fur. Yet, when she looked closer, there was nothing.

  6. "We're not supposed to be out of the camp!" Sunpaw (haha he's an apprentice now~) exclaimed. "Quick, come back with me before we get into trouble!"

  7. "Blah, blah, blah," Redkit replied, waving a paw dismissively. "Come on, don;t you want to explore? I think it is TOTALLY unfair that kits have to remain in the camp!"

  8. Sunpaw glared at the rebellious kit. "You'll be an apprentice soon," he said. "So just wait. If this makes you have to wait a few more moons until you can be an apprentice, see if I care!" Stomping away angrily, Sunpaw raced as fast as he could to the camp.

  9. Redkit snorted at his retreating tail. "Well, Starkit, we can have fun by ourselves, isn't that right?"
    Starkit nodded, not really paying attention. "Hey, do you smell that?" she hissed.

    (Can a rogue or a fox, or something attack them? And maybe a patrol finds them. Of course, Starkit could be jumping at nothing)

  10. (Haha, I guess. The patrol from the Camp Clearing could find them. Add in a fox attack or something if you want :D)

    Sunpaw was almost at the entrance of the camp, when he had a sudden feeling that something was about to go wrong. Shrugging the feeling off, he proceeded to walk into the camp.

  11. Redkit asked, confused. "Smell what?" he sniffed the air. "Hmm. Probably just a regular forest scent."
    Starkit wasn't so sure. The bracken rustled, and a red form slipped out, teeth bared, saliva dripping down. It was HUGE. Much bigger than than the kits.


Moonstar says: No swearing, and please make a comment of value!