We are HawkClan - The most agile clan, that can catch any kind of prey and outsmart any predator. Our camp is located in a chilly mountain valley, and only FalconClan knows about our whereabouts. Our leader is Moonstar.

Current Season: New-Leaf

Freshkill pile: 1 vole, 9 mice, 6 sparrows, 3 thrushes, 2servings of blechmilk, 1 squirrel

Adopt-a-Cat now!


Monday, March 28, 2011


We need more ACTIVE members, so until we get 5 more, I'm going to put the prophecy on hold. Again.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Notice to the Cats

Notice: DreamClan will also be part of our warrior ancestor clans, ok? So we'll believe in both DreamClan AND StarClan now.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another Morning

Moonstar stood atop the Great Boulder and scanned the camp for Darkflame. When she spotted him, she called, "Darkflame! Please organize the patrols for this morning."

When the deputy nodded in understanding, he bounded away to the other cats. "We'll have three patrols and two hunting patrols," he said. I'll lead one patrol, Waterstorm will lead another and Bluemoon will lead the last. I'll take the west side of our territory, Waterstorm will take the middle side and Bluemoon will take the east side. OK? You can choose the cats to be on your patrol. And....Blackash will lead a hunting patrol. Vivid will as well."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A New Warrior!

Moonstar stood atop the Great Boulder and looked down at the clan. Then she opened her jaws to speak. "Cats of HawkClan!" she called. "Today we have a new warrior joining us! I, Moonstar, leader of HawkClan, call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on this warrior. She understands the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Gingerspark, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of  your life?"

"Yes," replied the young cat, amber eyes glowing.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. StarClan honors your courage, bravery and strength and we welcome you as a full warrior of HawkClan."

Moonstar padded forward to touch her muzzle to Gingerspark's head, and Gingerspark licked the leader's shoulder in response.

"Gingerspark! Gingerspark! Gingerspark!"

March Gathering!

Moonstar stood on the Great Boulder and announced: "Tonight is the March Gathering! These cats will come with me:
-and Hollypaw. Get ready, and we'll head out soon!"

With that, Moonstar leaped off the rock and disappeared into her den. Blackash dipped his head, and the kits resumed their play.


March Gathering!

Moonstar stood on the Great Boulder and announced: "Tonight is the March Gathering! These cats will come with me:
-and Hollypaw. Get ready, and we'll head out soon!"

With that, Moonstar leaped off the rock and disappeared into her den. Blackash dipped his head, and the kits resumed their play.

Friday, March 11, 2011

A New Apprentice

Moonstar stood atop the Great Boulder and looked down at the clan. Snowkit was playing with Aspentail's kits, and Firpaw was chatting with the other apprentices. She smiled happily and opened her mouth to yowl: "Cats of HawkClan! Today we have a new apprentice joining us!" As soon as all of the cats had gathered, she looked back down at her clan.

"This is a proud day for HawkClan, by naming apprentices we show that we will survive and remain strong. From now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Flowerpaw," Moonstar said as she looked down at the young cat. Then she looked up. "Bluemoon, you are ready for an apprentice, you will be Flowerpaw's mentor. I know you will pass on your skills and wisdom to her, and teach her the skills that will make her a brave warrior of HawkClan."

As apprentice and warrior touched noses, Moonstar and all of HawkClan raised their heads and yowled to StarClan. "Flowerpaw! Flowerpaw! Flowerpaw!"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Yes, I KNOW that HawkClan is dying. I'm sorry. But it's true. Thanks a lot, guys.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The City Cats

Moonstar stood atop the Great Boulder with Ripplestep. "Cats of HawkClan!" she called. "We have been invited by UrbanClan to meet them in the clearing. We have all been called by StarClan to allie with them, though reasons are unknown. So, tomorrow we must all get up early and get their first. Understand?"


A Strange Breeze...

A breeze blew through the hollow, making every cat shiver. Ripplestep had her ears perked. Sparrowpaw looked up at her mentor. "R-Ripplestep?" she squeaked. Ripplestep looked down at the small cat. "It's a prophecy," she whispered. "Didn't you hear it?" When Sparrowpaw shook her head, Ripplestep bent down to her. "It doesn't matter," she said. "We need to cancel our trip to the Star Pool."

In the leader's den, Ripplestep, Moonstar and Sparrowpaw all sat across from each other. Ripplestep looked at Moonstar.
"There's been a message from StarClan. A prophecy."
Moonstar narrowed her eyes and Sparrowpaw looked up at Ripplestep in wonder.
"The hawk of the sky must join with the epic lasers of the city." (Please don't laugh.)
Moonstar looked at Ripplestep. "What do you think that means?" she asked. "Join to do what?"
Ripplestep shook her head. "I don't know," she said. "But I think they meant the cats from UrbanClan..."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Journey to the Pool...

Moonstar stood atop the Great Boulder and looked down at the clan. "Cats of HawkClan!" she exclaimed. "Ripplestep and I will now begin on our journey to the StarPool. Darkflame will be in charge." She looked over at the medicine den. "Ripplestep, please prepare some traveling herbs. That is all."


Healing Herbs Reference

This is the reference page for medicine cats who are not yet trained in the art of healing but just have a talent for communicating with StarClan. These are just some basic herbs that medicine cats use.

Borage Leaves - To be chewed and eaten. The plant can be distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves. Great for nursing queens as it helps increase their supply of milk. Also brings down fever.

Burdock Root - A tall-stemmed, sharp-smelling thistle with dark leaves. A medicine cat must dig up the roots, wash off the dirt, and chew them into a pulp, which can be applied to rat bites.

Catmint (or catnip) - A delicious-smelling, leafy plant that's hard to find in the wild; often found growing in Twoleg gardens. The best remedy for greencough.

Chervil - A sweet-smelling plant with large, spreading, fernlike leaves and small white flowers. The juice of the leaves can be used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyache.

Cobweb - Spiderwebs can be found all over the forest; be careful not to bring along the spider when you take the web! Medicine cats wrap it around an injury to soak up the blood and keep the wound clean.

Coltsfoot - A flowering plant, a bit like a dandelion, with yellow or white flowers. THe leaves can be chewed into a pulp, which is eaten to help shortness of breath.

Comfrey - Identifiable by its large leaves and smal bell-shaped flowers, which can be pink, white or purple. That fat black roots of this plant can be chewed into a poultice to mend broken bones or soothe wounds.

Dock - A plant similar to sorrel. The leaf can be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches and sore pads.

Dried Oak Leaf - Collected in the autumn and stored in a dry place. Stops infections.

Feverfew - A small bush with flowers like daisies. The leaves can be eaten to cool down body temperature, particularly for cats with fever or chills.

Goldenrod - A tall plant with bright yellow flowers. A poultice of this is terrific for healing wounds.

Honey - A sweet, golden liquid created by bees. Difficult to collect without getting stung, but great for soothing infections or the throats of cats who have breathed smoke.

Horsetail - A tall plant with bristly stems that grows in marshy areas. The leaves can be used to treat infected wounds. Usually chewed up and applied as a poultice.

Juniper Berries - A bush with spiky dark green leaves and purple berries. The berres soothe bellyaches and help cats who are having trouble breathing.

Lavender - A small purple flowering plant. Cures fever.

Marigold - A bright orange or yellow flower that grows low to the ground. The petals or leaves can be chewed into a pulp and applied as a poultice to wounds. Stops infection.

Mouse Bile - A bad-smelling liquid that is the only remedy for ticks. Dab a little moss soaked in bile on a tick and it'll fall right off. Wash paws thoroughly in running water afterward.

Poppy Seed - Small black seeds shaken from a dried poppy flower, these are fed to cats to help them sleep. Soothes cats suffering from shock an distress. Not recommended for nursing queens.

Stinging Nettle - The spiny green seeds can be administered to cats who have swallowed poison, while the leaves can be applied to a wound to bring down swelling.

Tansy - A strong-smelling plant with round yellow flowers. Good for curing coughs, but must be eaten in small doses.

Thyme - This herb can be eaten to calm anxiety and frayed nerves.

Watermint - A leafy green plant found in streams or damp earth. Usually chewed into a pulp and then fed to a cat suffering bellyache.

Wild Garlic - Rolling in a patch of wild garlic can help prevent infection, especially for dangerous wounds like rat bites.

Yarrow - A flowering plant whose leaves can be made into a poultice and applied to wounds or scratches to expel poison.


"All cats old enough to gather their own prey, please gather at the Great Boulder. Today we welcome a new medicine cat!!" Moonstar paused for a moment.

"Ripplestep, do you pledge your soul, spirit and loyalty to your clan, and promise to defend it with your life?" Moonstar's gaze was as clear as the afternoon sky.

"Yes," replied the cat, eyes sparkling like stars.

"StarClan, I call on you to welcome this cat into our clan, watch over her, and protect her." Moonstar looked down at the young cat. "StarClan speaks of your approval. From now on, you are a proud member of HawkClan. May StarClan light your path." The black and white leader leaped down from the Great Boulder to welcome the new medicine cat. "We will head to the Starpool tomorrow night."