We are HawkClan - The most agile clan, that can catch any kind of prey and outsmart any predator. Our camp is located in a chilly mountain valley, and only FalconClan knows about our whereabouts. Our leader is Moonstar.

Current Season: New-Leaf

Freshkill pile: 1 vole, 9 mice, 6 sparrows, 3 thrushes, 2servings of blechmilk, 1 squirrel

Adopt-a-Cat now!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gathering + New Cats

So we've fallen apart once again... It's really hard to stay committed because I despise writing (not commenting, just writing posts.) But I'll try as hard as I can~ Ginger, do you want to go find Thunderscar's kits already? We really need to get that sorted out...

Moonstar stood in the middle of the camp clearing, surrounded by cats. "Cats of HawkClan!" she called in order to get her clan members' attention. "I will now announce which cats will be coming to the gathering:
Plumpaw, and
Willowpaw. Those cats who are going, please go get some rest, as we have a long night ahead of us. That is all."

And with those words, the clan leader padded back to her den.

Link to the gathering: http://thewarriorgathering.blogspot.com/2012/02/february-gathering.html


This is...later in the day?

Moonstar leaped onto the Great Boulder, her eyes sparkling with pride for her clan. "Cats of HawkClan!" she yowled. "Today we have three new cats joining us! Willow, Diamond and Hazel, please step forward."
Slowly, three she-cats stepped forward as the whole clan watched.
"This is a proud day for HawkClan, by naming apprentices and warriors we show HawkClan will survive and remain strong. Diamond and Hazel, from now on until you receive your warrior names you will be known as Diamondpaw and Hazelpaw. Hawkfur and Tigerstripe, you are ready for an apprentices, Hawkfur will be Diamondpaw's apprentice and Tigerstripe will be Hazelpaw's. I know you two will pass on your strength, wisdom and bravery to these apprentices, and teach them the skills that will make them a brave warrior of HawkClan."

Moonstar then turned to the other cat. "I, Moonstar, leader of HawkClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this cat. She has promised hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Willow, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of  your life?"
"I do," the cat called Willow replied, eyes full of determination.
"Then by the powers of DreamClan I give you your warrior name, Willow, from this moment on you will be known as Willowbreeze. StarClan honors your skills as a warrior and we welcome you as a full warrior of HawkClan."

The gray leader stepped backwards, and let the rest of the clan cheer for the three new cats of HawkClan. "Diamondpaw! Hazelpaw! Willowbreeze! Diamondpaw! Hazelpaw! Willowbreeze!"


  1. Ripplestep meowed, "Welcome to the clan".
    Rainfall purred and said, "Hey! I'm Rainfall and welcome to the clan!"

  2. Tigerstripe looked at Hazelpaw. "Hey!" he mewed. "Welcome! I'm your Mentor, as you probably know."

    Dreamdance looked around, mewing "Welcome" to the new cats.

  3. Hazelpaw smiled widely. "Yeah. I'm Hazel...I mean Hazelpaw!" She grinned.

    Diamondpaw flashed her sweet smile at everyone who caught her eye, but glared when she saw Hazelpaw talking to someone. 'I'll get her later...' she thought.

  4. Goldenpaw bounded up to thew new apprentices, while Blackash and Snowfeather both made their way to greet Willowbreeze.

    "Hi!" Goldenpaw said, eyes sparkling. "Welcome to HawkClan!"

    "Greetings," Blackash said, while Snowfeather said, "Welcome to the clan!"

  5. Hazelpaw turned to Goldenpaw. "Hi..." She said quietly, glancing at her sister. "I'm Hazelpaw..."

    Diamondpaw quickly walked over to Goldenpaw. "Hi, I'm Diamondpaw! Who are you?" She led Goldenpaw away, giving Hazelpaw a sharp glare.

    Hazelpaw sighed.

  6. Goldenpaw was confused at Hazelpaw's unenthusiastic behavior, and shrugged it off, turning to Diamondpaw. "I'm Goldenpaw!" she exclaimed. "Do you want me to show you around the camp?"

  7. "Sure, Goldenpaw!" Diamondpaw flashed a perfect smile.

  8. "Great!" Goldenpaw said, dashing off in the direction of the apprentices' den. "I'll let you pick out a nest first; follow me!"

  9. "Cool!" Diamondpaw looked around.

    Hazelpaw padded into the apprentices den and headed for a nest near the others.

    "I'll take that one!" Diamondpaw raced up and took the spot Hazelpaw was about to claim. "Go away." She growled to her sister.

    Hazelpaw turned away, her eyes starting to brim with tears. But she wiped them away, finding a spot far away from the others, in the corner.

  10. Goldenpaw sat at the entrance of the den, watching as the two new cats found their nests. When they were finished, the senior apprentice padded up to them. "Great!" she exclaimed. "What do you want to do now?"

  11. "I don't know." Diamondpaw said. "You can just show me around."

  12. Goldenpaw thought for a moment, then dashed out of the den. "Follow me!" she called. "I'll show you all of the places in the camp!"

  13. "Ok!" Diamondpaw sent one last glare at Hazelpaw, before running after Goldenpaw.

    Hazelpaw sadly padded out of the den.

  14. Wolfpaw looked up from grooming himself and saw Hazelpaw trailing behind his sister and Diamondpaw. Slowly, he padded up to the gloomy apprentice. "Hi, I'm Wolfpaw," he said. "Are you okay?"

    Goldenpaw dashed to the warrior's den, being careful to not dash inside. "Here is where all of the warriors sleep!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to stay in here soon... Well, hopefully soon."

  15. "Uh..." Hazlepaw looked over at Diamondpaw, but saw she was preoccupied. "I'm Hazelpaw, and I guess so." She took a deep breath. "My sister doesn't like me being friends with any other cat. She wants to be the most popular."

    Diamondpaw nodded. "Thats so cool!"

  16. Wolfpaw frowned. "That's not right," he said, staring at Diamondpaw. "Why does she do that?"

    Goldenpaw's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm hoping that I'll become a warrior soon; I fee like I've been an apprentice forever!"

  17. Hazelpaw shrugged. "I'm used to it." She meowed. She smiled at the cute tom.

    Diamondpaw mrrowed. "I want to be a warrior too, but I have to go through training first!"

  18. Wolfpaw's frown deepened. "Whether you're used to it or not doesn't matter," he pointed out. "It's still wrong!"

    Goldenpaw looked at her fellow apprentice. "I'm sure you'll be a great warrior! And don't worry about your training, it's more fun than boring!"

    (I might change Diamondpaw's mentor because Hawkfur is pretty inactive. Are you okay with that?)

  19. (totally fine with it :P also if this clan isn't doing too well, i have an idea for getting a good restart [cuz many of my blogs have failed]. Make a new post saying that whoever doesn't comment here in a week gets their cats removed, & then do that & give the blog a new look, etc...that's what I'd do!)

    "Whatever." Hazelpaw looked at her paws.

    "Good!" Diamondpaw exclaimed.

  20. (Yeah, I might just do that. But we have this thing called 'Adopt-a-Cat' where you can adopt inactive cats XD)

    Wolfpaw sighed. "If you think so..." he said reluctantly. Suddenly, he stood straight, eyes shining. "Do you just want to go around the camp on our own? We don't need my sister to take us everywhere!"

    "But training isn't all fun," Goldenpaw warned. "If you want to be a great warrior, then you have to train pretty seriously."

  21. (hmm that'd be good. Just make sure to seperate the inactives from the actives)

    "Ok." Hazelpaw meowed quietly.

    "Yeah." Diamondpaw mewed. "Training is gonna have to go through me!"

  22. (Yeah, it's all on a page. I'm redesigning stuff now~)

    "Follow me," Wolfpaw said just as quietly, walking in the direction of the medicine cat's den.

    "I hope you do well!" Goldenpaw encouraged the new apprentice.

  23. Russetpaw headed over to the new comers and meowed, "Where are you guys going? Can I come with you Wolfpaw and Hazelpaw? By the way, I'm Russetpaw!"

  24. Wolfpaw turned around. "Sure!" he said. "The more the merrier!"

  25. Russetpaw suggested, "Why don't we go into the forest and show her around!"
    Rainfall padded over and said, "Russetpaw! We need to train at sunhigh! Be at the clearing. We're going to work on some battle moves."
    Russetpaw whirled around and said, "Sure thing Rainfall!"
    With that, Rainfall padded away and headed to Moonstar.

  26. (uh, yeah. Sorry that I haven't been on.)

  27. (It's okay. Do you think you can be more active in the future?)

    Wolfpaw looked at Russetpaw. "That's a good idea!" he said. "But would we need–" Just then, Rainfall stalked up, and Russetpaw padded away to train with him. Sighing, the apprentice looked back to Hazelpaw. "Well," he said. "Do you want to go to the forest?"

    Moonstar looked up, seeing Rainfal headed towards her.

  28. Rainfall turned and said to his apprentice, "Go and get something to eat. I'll come for you after I talk to Moonstar."
    Russetpaw dipped his head and ran off.
    Rainfall then told Moonstar, "I think it is nearly time to give Russetpaw his warrior name."

  29. Moonstar nodded slowly. "We have many apprentices who need to become warriors," she said. "And also many kits who should become apprentices. I shall announce this to the clan soon."

  30. "Yes, Moonstar. I agree with you." Ripplestep commented as she padded over.
    Rainfall nearly leaped in surprise.

  31. (I promise I'll be more active now(Hawkfur))

  32. [That'd be great! I'll try to pull Ripple and BLUE back here, too xD]


Moonstar says: No swearing, and please make a comment of value!